Saturday, June 29, 2024

Meet the Founder of United Mirae Kuk Sool



Master Sung Jin Su has dedicated his entire life to studying, developing & teaching martial arts.

For Master Su Martial Arts is a way of life, a philosophy & of course a self-defense. Master Su was the highest- ranking master in Kuk Sool Won but has now founded United Mirae Kuk Sool to ensure the growth, honesty & excellence in traditional Korean martial arts.

His ultimate goal is to teach this martial art not only to Kuk Sool students, but all martial artists keen to develop their spiritual & physical well-being.

Meet the Founder of United Mirae Kuk Sool

  CSJKJN SUNG JIN SU Master Sung Jin Su has dedicated his entire life to studying, developing & teaching martial arts. For Master Su Mar...